Monday, April 29, 2024

Latest From CA


It does indeed appear as expected. To which progress we add hearty encouragement:

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Music: Goodbye Stranger


Supertramp's Top Twenty (#15) hit from 1979, off their quad-platinum album Breakfast In America, with a killer guitar solo close.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Serving A Niche Market

We already have pre-booked orders to pick up two busloads of pro-Hamas demonstrators, paid in advance.

Note to JT in Springfield: No, we can't "mess with the GPS" of certain motorcades to accomplish the same thing, and you already know why after your last chat with The Guys In Black Suits Wearing Earpieces. Stop asking. But yes, you're right, that's pretty funny. Theoretically.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024


As we offered sincere congrats at the blog's (brief) return, we offer our heartfelt condolences to CA, currently fighting it out with software that falls over and crashes with more frequency and predictability than even Emperor Stumblefuck Poopypants the Ist.
It's got to suck to go through, but the struggle continues, and we hope it concludes well for the site's permanent return.

UPDATE: Read Cold Fury host Mike Hendrix's comment, cf. this announcement at his site,

And CA's first entry.

TL;DR: WRSA is now hosted at Cold Fury until further notice. Pass the word.

None of us is stronger than all of us.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024


We have known for at least a year and a half that Gulag's minions were jacking around our blog view counts, since the day we watched them march backwards, in real time, and then stay at zero for hours, popping up to 2-3/minute, then reset to zero over and over again. (Of course, that never happens in Philadelphia or Atlanta vote counts, nosiree...) 
We've never trusted the tally since, but we aren't too wrapped up about it either way, (other than a certain amount of surprise and humility whenever another million rolls over the odometer) and after a certain amount of screwing around, after steadily rising over the years, since the noted horsing around incidents, it's settled into a routine of 5K-10K/day, depending on content. 

Which was apparently what we were supposed to assume.

We are beginning to suspect that whatever or whoever was doing the screwing around has lost its touch.
Out of nowhere, the reported view tally two days ago was 67K, yesterday's is 22K, and so far today we're at about 14K. Before we posted anything.

Maybe someone's screw-around-with-rightwing-blogview software has reached the end of tech support, and now the actual views are getting through unfiltered.

It doesn't change anything, and just underlines that the viewcounter is whacked, but it's funny to watch.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Hey, Lamestream Newsholes

And while we're up... 

Seen today on CNN, Fox, or some other idiotic channel:

Dear Media Muttonheads:

That silly-assed chyron implies that somewhere in Florida, there are friendly, gregarious, happy-go-lucky alligators that wouldn't regard two-legged deer as an item lower than themselves on the food chain at every opportunity.

Alligators aren't vicious. "Vicious" implies deliberate and conscious forethought. There is no premeditation and moral calculus going on in a reptilian brain the size of an almond, provided with rows of sharp teeth like a picket fence. They're simply being alligators, you incredible bunch of idiotic fucktards. If you want to be pedantic, there aren't any alligators other than vicious, which at minimum makes the adjective retardedly redundant. It's as uselessly duplicative as writing "idiot reporter" or "stupid TV news editor". Any journalist nowadays might as well just wear a dunce cap everywhere, and save the expense of printed business cards. 

This kind of silly horsesh*t is what happens when news outlets hire J-school graduates to write the chyrons, who place somewhere between midwits and morons on the college graduate IQ scale.

For the benefit of media morons everywhere, the only friendly alligators in recorded history were last seen during the Ponchielli Dance Of the Hours segment of Fantasia in 1940. They exist nowhere in real life, and if you'd only hire people who didn't learn everything they know about the planet from watching cartoons, and think that's real life, you bunch of self-important idiot savant dipshits wouldn't to be smacked about the head and shoulders with cluebats like this reminder 24/7/365/forever.

But at least it explains why Biden seems smart to you: Because compared to you all, he is.

Meet Cowardly's Cousin, Pissed

h/t Daily Timewaster